All OneSource Communications reports of the last 24 hours

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Sunnimuri Hamilton 1 year ago
76244 And the never ending saga of no internet connection continues From One Source One Source must love bad reviews

Batman 1 year ago
Our internet is down. Again. 76244

Chris 2 years ago
76262, Roanoke Bro why does it keep going down? It's been happening like once every fee days now.

Tommy 2 years ago
76244. Down again. Fuck this company.

Patrick 2 years ago
WAN has been down for 12 hours. Nice.

David 2 years ago
Down again. This is a multi-event per week issue. Today it happened right in the middle of a work presentation, and I was the presenter. It may really be time for a change.

David 2 years ago
76244. Service down again. Same for a short period yesterday. These occurrences are becoming too common to overlook. I do have another good option in my area, but after 18 years with OneSource would hate to exercise that option.

T 2 years ago
76244 - I’m so sick of losing internet when I’m in the middle of gaming with my girlfriend.

L 2 years ago
Service down in watauga area. Happens little to often and is unfortunately only comapany I can have in my complex never had so many issues..

Valerie 2 years ago
Watauga TX I work from home- there goes my pay for today!!! Can't work with no internet. Sooooo unreliable.

K 2 years ago
76177 Fort Worth. internet down again. Seems like happening more often.

J 2 years ago
Internet is down again for the 3rd night in a row. Fuck one source!

David H 2 years ago
Down again for the 4th time in 2 weeks. 76244, Alliance, Heritage Trace, Riverside, North Tarrant, Manor Hill. That’s a bit much. Maybe it’s time for a new provider.

Autumn 2 years ago
Internet down. Started around 1am CST. North Fort Worth, 76177

Lola 2 years ago
Internet down again 76262

Keira 2 years ago
It's down AGAIN in 76262

Zach 2 years ago
Been down since last night, still out at Keller 76244

Keira S 2 years ago
Net comes and goes, keeps saying the WAN is down in 76262, been.... 6 hours.

David H 2 years ago
At least for now, the internet seems to have been restored.

Chris 2 years ago
76262 Roanoke, been on hold for over a actual hour while the internet has been down for 2 so far.


About OneSource Communications

OneSource Communications is an American company, which is a local provider of telephone, cable TV & Internet services since 1998 within the state of Texas. They have built a large fiber optic network and use related network equipment to offer a range of services to customers. The clients served include business and residential customers for whom DSL internet, fixed wireless, cable, copper and fiber internet are made available through an estimated 69,000 people that places them as the 86th largest provider of DSL broadband in the US by coverage area.
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