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Comments on Fidelity Communications

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Chuck Cortwright 3 months ago
Internet is FUCKED UP AGAIN. Imagine that

Chuck Cortwright 4 months ago
It would be nice to be able to watch a movie, but I keep forgetting that I have fidelity, so good luck with that

Chuck Cortwright 4 months ago

Chuck Cortwright 4 months ago
Bright sunshine and Internet fucked up again

Chuck Cortwright 4 months ago
Nothing is working.IMAGINE THAT

Chuck Cortwright 4 months ago
FUCKING internet's frozen again. Stay away if you're looking for a provider

Chuck Cortwright 4 months ago
There must be a cloud in the sky the Internet isn't working. Anyone looking for Internet service, STEER CLEAR FROM FIDELITY

Chuck Cortwright 5 months ago
Your SHIT Internet is down again, IMAGINE THAT

Chuck Cortwright 5 months ago
Enjoy your LAST PAYMENT FROM ME. New Internet provider coming next month. SHOVE YOUR SHIT UP YOUR ASS

Chuck Cortwright 5 months ago
Enjoy your LAST PAYMENT FROM ME. New Internet provider coming next month. SHOVE YOUR SHIT UP YOUR ASS

Chuck Cortwright 5 months ago
Super Bowl will be fun with the Fidelity Internet going out again today. Why would I expect anything different from the SHITTY SERVICE

Chuck Cortwright 5 months ago
And it begins, once again Internet goes in and out. I guess it's another day not being able to watch TV. DON'T SIGN UP FOR FIDELITY IF YOU CAN HELP IT. IT'S THE WORST THING GOING.Cherokee Village seems to be hit hard every day now. Not that Fidelity cares they're getting their money

Okgood 5 months ago
Little Rock 72210 Internet out since 11:30pm last night... Now 9:12 am Thursday.. MOST aggravating thing is NO STATUS UPDATES

Chuck Cortwright 5 months ago
It would be really nice to be able to have the Internet work for more than five minutes at a time. It's going in and out in Cherokee Village constantly again

Chuck Cortwright 5 months ago
Great commercial about how good your Internet is, the problem is it's a LIE, you can't keep it working at all. Anyone looking for Internet check elsewhere

Chuck Cortwright 5 months ago
I keep seeing your commercial about how good your Internet is. Time to go to all platforms and warn people that it's a complete lie. Your service sucks.

Chuck Cortwright 5 months ago
Imagine that. Internet problems in Cherokee Village. They get their money every month, maybe put some of it towards fixing the shit

Chuck Cortwright 5 months ago
Once again the Internet is going in and out. Why do I pay for garbage. Maybe they don't care about the crap that they deliver (sometimes that is). But it's time to change

Chuck Cortwright 5 months ago
Imagine that, internet's going in and out again. It's really ANNOYING, on top of that it takes 10 to 15 minutes to reboot. It sure would be nice to actually watch TV instead of a circle going round and round

Chuck Cortwright 5 months ago
The worst internet around. If you need Internet in the Cherokee Village area look into NEXT or anything else besides Fidelity, you will be TOTALLY DISAPPOINTED with Fidelity. Not only with the Internet but with the prices as well


About Fidelity Communications

Fidelity Communications is one of the smaller telecommunications operators in the U.S. Founded in the year 1940, Fidelity is a family-owned company, run by the Davis family siblings.
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