All Brandenburg Telecom reports of the last 24 hours

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Comments on Brandenburg Telecom

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Anon 1 month ago
40108 brandenburg internet down

Daniel 1 month ago
Internet outage in 42701, Elizabethtown

Alex 1 month ago
Down in Etown 42701

Johna 1 month ago
Internet down 42701 Etown

Brian 1 month ago
Internet down 40117 Ekron

Tiffany 1 month ago
40108 bbtel internet down

Allie 1 month ago
40175 Vine Grove Internet down at 1:10am BBTEL

Allie 1 month ago
40175 Vine Grove Internet down at 1:10am BBTEL

Allie 1 month ago
40175 Vine Grove Internet down at 1:10am BBTEL

Allie 1 month ago
40175 Vine Grove Internet down at 1:10am BBTEL

Allie 1 month ago
40175 Vine Grove Internet down at 1:10am BBTEL

Allie 1 month ago
40175 Vine Grove Internet down at 1:10am

Allie 1 month ago
40175 Vine Grove Internet down at 1:10am

Daniel 1 month ago
Internet outage in Elizabethtown, KY 42701

Sheri 2 months ago
Brandenburg internet out in vine grove area. Can't even get their homepage to load

K 2 months ago
42701 Elizabethtown is down right now.

Alex 4 months ago
42701 Elizabethtown internet down

steve 9 months ago
brandenburg 40108 some horseshit keeps going in and out, i dont know why i even use this internet i pay more for less up and down than other competitors, i work from home and havent been able to get any work done because it goes up for an hour and then goes down for an hour, its been like this for the past 4 days, bullshit

Bobby 9 months ago
is there another outage 40146

Sarah 9 months ago
Still no internet in Irvington KY 40146


About Brandenburg Telecom

Brandenburg Telecom is a company that specializes in telecommunications and provides services like dial-up internet, DSL, ISDN, phones and other equipment. Brandenburg telecoms is specifically dedicated to serving the Kentucky region. Their customer support lines are available around the clock. Online payment is easy to process via their website. If the link goes down or has other issues, report the outages directly.
Live outage map

Outage history

Reported outages on 08.07.2024:
There were a total of 1 outages at Brandenburg Telecom. The most frequently affected cities were:
Reported outages on 06.07.2024:
There were a total of 1 outages at Brandenburg Telecom. The most frequently affected cities were: Brandenburg

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