All Wave Broadband reports of the last 24 hours

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Comments on Wave Broadband

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peut-être 10 months ago
In other websites such as, people are talking about damaged cables from vandalism/cable theft. We have lost internet for about 15 hours. At 6:45pm Pacific Time, the company's estimated time to recover was 9:30pm.

Discus2023Silverdale 1 year ago
If Astound had to compete head to head with any other broadband providers they'd be so f*c*e*. Every other day the service drops and I have to reset EVERYTHING, and Comcast is locked out of this side of Silverdale. I've never wanted a company to fail but....I hope they fail and are absorbed by Comcast. And the "human chat"? Ridiculous! Ten minutes for ONE response, and stupid s*i* only asks idiot questions such as "how are you?" "what is your problem?" (after you just input ALL that information), and then....repeat. Worst G*d*a*n service EVER. 98383 Silverdale

Piper 1 year ago
Internet real slow on Camano Island sense 2:30 pm today

Nancy 1 year ago
Out in Edison 98232

Melody G 1 year ago
Wave is down in my area. Since 5:30 am today. Lakebay WA 98349

Jim 1 year ago
Wave down in Silverdale since 1pm also

Darren 1 year ago
Wave down around 1:00PM in echo lake WA area. I live in Snohomish WA, 9826 (Seattle area).

Hope 2 years ago
Wave has been out in Concrete Wa since last night tje 3 rd of July 2022


About Wave Broadband

WaveBroadband is a U.S. cable television provider that offers residential, business and enterprise programming in the state of Washington, as well as internet and phone services to approximately 455,000 subscribers in California, Oregon and Washington.
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