All Horry Telephone Cooperative reports of the last 24 hours

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Comments on Horry Telephone Cooperative

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Jackie 1 year ago
Longs SC Internet out 29568

Jackie 1 year ago

Collins 1 year ago
29588 myrtle beach here, is this a scheduled outage or upgrade?

Jay 1 year ago
HTC internet down for the second time within a week. Getting ridiculous, may start looking for a new provider. Conway, SC

abigail 1 year ago
htc single worst isp ever still down myrtle beach

Teresa 1 year ago
Internet down for last hour 29588 Socastee

Teresa 1 year ago
Internet Down for last hour

Collins 1 year ago
29588 myrtle beach Conway area internet off and on for hours

Joe B 1 year ago
Internet Down 29588

Theresa 1 year ago
Socastee area down

Heinlein 1 year ago
Internet down

abigail 1 year ago
down AGAIN myrtle beach 29579

Rick 1 year ago
All HTC services Down 29566 Little River.

Dorothy 1 year ago
Internet down in 29526

Melissa 1 year ago
Back up in Deerfield 29575

Dan 1 year ago
Home phone has no dial tone. Myrtle beach near restaurant row 29579. No phone or internet in Carolina forest off river oaks drive 29579

Jim McGillen 1 year ago
Internet down in 29566

Denise Schultz 1 year ago
Internet down in 29526.

Haydn 1 year ago
HTC has been down in 29579 since 2:28am.

Karen 1 year ago
Loris 29569 Internet service been down for awhile in this area


About Horry Telephone Cooperative

Horry Telephone Cooperative also known by the acronym HTC, is a telecommunications cooperative based in Horry County, South Carolina. HTC was founded in 1952 to meet the needs of rural areas in Horry County where it was cost prohibitive for national telephone companies to provide telecommunications services. HTC offers both dial-up Internet service and HTC Netracer, broadband Internet service. HTC began offering local dial-up Internet in 1995.
Live outage map

Outage history

Reported outages on 08.07.2024:
There were a total of 1 outages at Horry Telephone Cooperative. The most frequently affected cities were: Charlotte

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