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Thomas Floyd 3 months ago
GVEC is scamming it's customers. Charging high prices for shoddy, spotty "High Speed" internet. I'll get about a month of good connection after calling and complaining then right back to being throttled and disconnected. It happens at a minimum once a day. 78121+ La Vernia

Laurie Orr 1 year ago
Buffering issues all the time. Also not having internet connection. Thinking of switching providers. 78130 New Braunfels

William Day 2 years ago
78155 - a lot of buffering going. Is the a problem somewhere?

William Day 2 years ago
78155 - a lot of buffering going. Is the a problem somewhere?


About is an internet service provider that offers various connectivity solutions to its customers. Known for its commitment to delivering reliable internet services, still might occasionally face challenges common to most ISPs.

Potential Network and Internet-related Issues with

1. Service Outages: Like any other ISP, might experience occasional outages due to technical glitches, maintenance, or infrastructure damage.
2. Slow Internet Speeds: Users might experience slower than promised internet speeds during peak usage times or due to other unforeseen factors.
3. Connection Drops: Some customers may face intermittent connection drops, which can disrupt ongoing online activities or downloads.
4. DNS Issues: Problems related to Domain Name System (DNS) can cause difficulties in accessing certain websites.

Troubleshooting Tips for Customers:

1. Check Service Status: may have a status page or customer support helpline where users can check for ongoing outages or reported issues.
2. Restart Your Modem/Router: Many connectivity issues can be resolved by simply rebooting the internet equipment.
3. Test Direct Connection: If using Wi-Fi, consider connecting a device directly to the modem using an Ethernet cable to see if the issue persists.
4. Change DNS Settings: If facing website access issues, consider changing the DNS settings to a public DNS like Google's ( and
5. Contact Support: If the problem continues, it's a good idea to reach out to's customer support for assistance.

While works diligently to provide uninterrupted services, unforeseen challenges can arise. Being informed and using the provided troubleshooting tips can help customers navigate and resolve these issues more effectively.

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