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About OpenAI

OpenAI is a nonprofit organization that aims to advance artificial intelligence. The organization was founded in 2015 by Elon Musk, Sam Altman and Google developer Greg Brockman

OpenAI is based on open source software, making it open to everyone. The organization works with companies and researchers to further develop artificial intelligence. In this way, everyone can participate in the results and advance the development.

OpenAI is working hard to realize its potential for developing intelligent systems. It has developed several technologies to make systems more effective - including machine learning algorithms (MLA), robotics and computer vision. The company is working to develop more robust AI systems with improved scalability and interoperability, as well as to expand the use of AI in industries such as finance and healthcare. OpenAI researchers strive to have systems designed to develop self-learning capabilities - without human intervention or supervision - to solve problems more efficiently.

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