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About Metacritic

Metacritic is a trusted platform providing reviews, ratings, and rankings for movies, TV shows, video games, and music. Assembled from numerous critics and publications, Metacritic offers a comprehensive view of the entertainment world. With millions of users worldwide, Metacritic is a go-to source for reliable entertainment recommendations. However, like any other online platform, Metacritic can sometimes experience disruptions or outages.

Possible Metacritic Disruptions

Some of the most common issues faced by Metacritic users include login problems, website loading issues, errors in displaying pages, and difficulties in posting reviews. These issues can be caused by various factors such as internet connectivity, site maintenance, or server problems.

What to Do During a Metacritic Disruption

If you encounter a disruption while using Metacritic, try these solutions:

  • Check your internet connection: A weak or unstable internet connection can cause loading issues. Try refreshing your connection or switching to a more stable network.
  • Clear your browser cache: Sometimes, the problem can be with your browser. Clearing your browser cache can help resolve this.
  • Try a different browser or device: If the problem persists, try accessing Metacritic on a different browser or device.
  • Wait it out: If Metacritic is down due to site maintenance or server issues, the best course of action is to wait. Check back after a while to see if the service has been restored.

Staying Updated with Metacritic Disruptions

Stay updated with Metacritic disruptions and how to navigate them. If you are experiencing a problem that is not listed here, it may be a new issue. In such cases, reporting the problem to Metacritic support can help resolve the issue more quickly.


While disruptions can be frustrating, remember that most issues are temporary and can be resolved with a bit of patience and troubleshooting. Keep this guide handy for the next time you experience a Metacritic outage. Happy reviewing!

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Outage history

We currently have not collected any history for Metacritic

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