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About Medium

Medium is a renowned online publishing platform that has revolutionized the way people share and consume content. Founded in 2012 by Twitter co-founder Evan Williams, Medium offers a space for writers, bloggers, and thought leaders to share their ideas and stories. However, like any other internet service, Medium can experience downtimes or service outages that can disrupt the user experience. This guide offers some tips and tricks on what to do during a Medium service outage, potential issues you might encounter, and solutions to these problems.

Identifying a Medium Service Outage

Service outages can occur due to factors such as server issues, network problems, or maintenance tasks. Users might experience difficulty in accessing the platform, failure to publish or save drafts, or problems with loading images. If several users report these issues simultaneously, it's likely a service outage. You can check real-time updates on our website to confirm if Medium is experiencing a global issue.

What to Do During a Medium Outage

  1. Refresh the Page: Sometimes, a simple refresh can solve the issue. If the problem persists, try accessing Medium from a different browser or device.
  2. Check Your Internet Connection: Ensure your device is connected to the internet. Try opening a different website to confirm your connection is working.
  3. Check for Updates: Ensure your app or browser is updated. Outdated versions might not work correctly.
  4. Wait it Out: If Medium is indeed experiencing a service outage, your best option might be to wait for the technical team to resolve the issue.

Possible Issues and Solutions

In case you're experiencing issues that are not related to a service outage, here are some common Medium issues and their potential solutions:

  1. Problem Publishing: If you're unable to publish, try saving your draft and refreshing the page before attempting to publish again.
  2. Images Not Loading: Clear your browser's cache or try accessing Medium from a private/incognito browser window.
  3. Can't Log In: Check if your login credentials are correct. If you can't remember your password, use the 'Forgot Password' option to reset it.

Keep Yourself Updated

During a service outage, it's important to stay updated. You can check our website for real-time status updates on Medium's service. We also provide potential solutions and workarounds to help you get back to your reading or writing as soon as possible.

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