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About Glassdoor

Glassdoor is a renowned online platform specializing in job searching, company reviews, and various other related services. With its extensive database, it empowers individuals to find companies that suit their preferences and allows companies to effectively recruit potential employees. However, like any other digital service, Glassdoor may encounter occasional disruptions. This guide aims to provide you with an overview of possible issues and tips on how to deal with them.

Potential Glassdoor Disruptions

Several disruptions could occur while using Glassdoor. These mainly include site loading problems, difficulty logging in, failure to submit reviews, or issues with job application submissions. These disruptions can be a result of site maintenance, server issues, or even issues with your internet connectivity.

What to do in case of a disruption?

Firstly, always confirm if the problem is on your end. Check your internet connection and try accessing other websites. If they function correctly, the issue could be with Glassdoor. You can then try some of the following solutions:

  • Refresh the page: Often, a simple refresh can solve many issues.
  • Clear cookies and cache: This can help if the problem lies with your browser.
  • Try a different browser: Sometimes, specific browsers may have issues with certain websites.

Reporting a Glassdoor Disruption

If none of the above solutions work, it's time to report the issue to Glassdoor. You can do this by contacting their customer support or reporting the issue on their social media platforms. Remember to provide as much detail as possible to help them resolve the issue quickly.

Monitoring Glassdoor Disruptions

Our website provides real-time information about Glassdoor service disruptions. By staying updated with our site, you can learn about any ongoing issues and possibly learn about the estimated time of resolution.

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Outage history

We currently have not collected any history for Glassdoor

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