All Reddit reports of the last 24 hours

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Mark 8 months ago
All thanks to @guardian on telegram for helping me recover my account


About Reddit

What is is a social news aggregator. On are all the contents of the registered users. The contents consist of images, text and links and can be evaluated and commented on by users. This review determines the position of the contribution of this on the home page or holds a certain category page (Subreddit). is in the among the 10 most visited websites in the US and top 50 in the world. is divided into different categories or "subreddits" that focus on various topics such as news, entertainment, science, technology, sports, music, and more. Users can submit links, images, videos or text posts and other users can rate and comment on these posts. Reddit is known for its active community and its ability to generate viral content. outages

Recently, Reddit users have felt repeated delays in page loading and sometimes major glitches when using the app. Despite the size of the company, outages do not stay away from

What can be done about it? The news will not please most readers. As a rule, there's nothing you can do in case of an outage on Reddit's pages. Due to the sheer size of the web application, problems do occur from time to time. These were corrected in the past but usually within a few hours.

So if times does not load or is down, do not panic. Try first to use another device or to call the app or the website from another wifi. If this does not work, share your experience with other users here on our site.

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Outage history

Reported outages on 25.04.2024:
There were a total of 1 outages at Reddit. The most frequently affected cities were: Vista

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